Updated on : 27th May, 2017
Normally traffic is not a big deal in Marmaris. However, in high season, owing to the increasing number of vehicles and narrow streets it becomes a problem. It’ better to use public transport, taxi, motorbike or bike for transportation in town center. You can even walk.
Another problem for drivers is the lack of parking lots. It’s also a problem peculiar to summer. There used to be free parking lots on the side of streets, but since the end of 2016 they are for charge. The latest (May 2017) fees are shown above. In more central locations the fees are a bit higher: 0-30min:2.5₺, 30min-1h: 5₺, 1-2h: 7₺, 2-4h: 10₺, 4-6h: 13₺, 6-8h: 15₺. In both tariffs, after parking for continuous 10 hours, you pay 1₺ for each extra hours. You pay cash to the parking lot attendant. If you can not find him/her, don’t worry. The next time you can pay for both.
* Traffic gets worse and worse during religious holidays. Even sometimes driving into the town center takes hours So it’s better to pay attention to holiday dates.